Monday, June 18, 2007

So much to say, so little time to say it!

We won we won we WON! YES! Heart was pretty much stopping for the first ten minutes of play, and had little bursts throughout the game, but... Heh. City champs! :)

Back to training a bit with the new club, good times. Hurt like heck after a full-blown ab workout, but hey, what can you do? It's great being back again though.

Eddy in general:
Good times. Lots of weird random things though, like mosquitos (walking in the dog park and getting bit is just ever so much fun, don't you know!), tons of fluff from the trees, boiling hot one minute to freezing cold the next...Etc.

I do enjoy being chauffeured around. Mwahahaha.
And random notes on phones.

Uhm... Hmmmm. That's all for now, folks!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


run: rʌn/ [ruhn] verb, ran, run, run·ning, noun, adjective
–verb (used without object)
1. to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.

Oh my. So much fun. Hugest grin plastered on my face while running laps around the pitch... Kinda funny, eh? And hoooly, am I ever out of shape: but, I will definitely getting back to where I was, and getting far beyond that.
*insert evil laugh here*
Although OUCH, today hurts. And I love it (That kinda goes back to dear PERLS 104, and the lecture on how athletes enjoy pain, doesn't it?)...

Lets see, what else? Finally got over that wonderful sickness of mine... Still on the lookout for a job that requires no lifting whatsoever (even though it feels like I can, must avoid that at all costs!), and with pretty good hours... I'm working for a trainer supervising hockey training sessions (ladders, speed drills, that sort of thing, real fun it is!) two/more times a week, which is awesome, except for not being able to go to Rockers on Thursdays...

The rugby team that I'm co-coaching is doing SUPER well... They run over pretty much everyone, and I love it! Now if only we could get them to continually show up to practice... Only two (if we win next week) or three (if we lose and then win, which won't happen because they're amazing!) games left...

Ooooo, big news! The little sissy is headed to Wales next year! And the year after! She got a scholarship to attend school over there, so you know what that means!!!! ROAD TRIP!
*second evil laugh*
Which also means that I'm becoming the white cat's surrogate mother, ok. I suppose. He smells funny though. Especially when he takes it upon himself to hiss in your face for no good reason. Yuuuuk.

Finland's coming over this summer, which I'm super excited about! August 6th-unknown date... Gonna have to squeeze that departure date out of her... But, that'll come in time, I suppose.

Uhm. Gotta header for a dog walk! Laaaaaaaters!

I always loved running -- it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.
[Jesse Owens 1913-1980, American Olympic Track Athlete]

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Oh so much has happened.

Injury report:

I'm out of my sling, as of April 27th, and that was an amazing day. I had my first physio appointment that morning, and she said that I could possibly be running in three weeks! :)
That's super exciting, as it means I'll be able to train (granted, it's only running, but still! Be happy for me) and not lose nearly as much cardio... I didn't expect to be able to run until July, so that was great news...
So far, all I've got are ROM (range of movement) exercises, combined with working the muscles that control my scapula... As it sat in a sling for six weeks, there was no need for anything requiring stabilization, so the muscles relaxed... A lot. Kinda funny, really. The next appointment's this Friday, aka, tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that too...

Aaaaand, I get to do fitness testing this summer! Talked to A, and he said "theoretically, I owe you one", which means I get to do a VO2... Heh. Not really worried about the rest, I just like the VO2.

Hopefully I can make it back for next year... But, we'll see, I'm not rushing this!

I survived my first year! Yaya! So happy to be finished... Already registered for next year, in courses that interest me far more than this year's did, which is really nice, looking forward to it (I can't believe I just said I'm looking forward to school).

Putting together a resume, and sending it off to... Hmmm. Who knows where? Hopefully I'll get to do BVJ again this year... I need to do something to keep me sane with no sports!

I'll keep going later...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Yay for exams!
Well, not really (especially with facebook. Baaaah)!

Sling comes off in 9 days! YES!

Uhm. Gotta go, super busy!

Friday, April 06, 2007

I found Tarzan in Finnish. YES!

Halfway through the sling as of yesterday! So ready to get this ridiculous strip of fabric off! But that phone call on Wednesday just made everything aaaaall good. :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Blood donating...

Hmmmm... Can I donate blood so soon after surgery? Or is it one of those "wait 6 months" type of deals?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Numbers, numbers, why so many numbers?

5 1/2 months until 'contact' and sport.
3ish (89 days) months until I figure out whether or not I need the right shoulder done too.
2-3 months until running.
30 days until the sling comes off; that's less than a month! YES! And, Jasper sevens (April 27th)
29 days until my final exam for this year.
16 days until the end of classes.
15 days until the International night/TSS. (can't wait!)
1 week until biking.
4 days until AdoptAnAthlete is paid off.

Yayaaaaaa, so much to do...

Odds and ends;

-Newest campaign; playmate for Kah!
-I love psych research schtuff. It's fun. :)
-Who would've thought you could play tug-o-war with a cat?
-Waiting for Grey's!

When we are doing what we love, we don't care about time. For at least at that moment, time doesn't exist and we are truly free.
Wieder Marcia]

Monday, March 26, 2007

Minor update...

Ack. Instead of training, I'm turning to school... What's wrong with me?!? I had an assingment done early. EARLY! I mean seriously people, this is me we're talking about. I don't do early. Ever. It's just not... normal.

Oh my. I picked up my new Tevas today. LOVE!

And got dear Mother to "modify" this sling; if I absolutely have to wear it, why not make it comfortable? And unique? I'm seriously tempted to put a Finding Nemo patch on.

Anywhoosits, there is now a pocket in the inside of my ultra-fashionable black sling.
I mean come on, black does go with everything; even bright orange tees.

The try-triathlon (where those beautious staff tees are from) went off fairly well, easy peasy really. Fun fun.
Although it wasn't so fun to be one-armed. Feeling useless is so not something I enjoy. Bah.

Stop the mindless wishing that things would be different. Rather than wasting time and emotional and spiritual energy in explaining why we don't have what we want, we can start to pursue other ways to get it.
Greg Anderson]

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


On a beautiful winter day about a week and a half ago, I had a hankering to create another snow creature. Last year was Snofrog, and as I had so much fun with him, I decided to go with another somewhat reptilian choice...

The snow was perfect, the sun was out, and I just really wanted to do something that'd take my mind off my impending doom (forced inactivity for six weeks really IS doom for me...). So, as the plans for Snogopogo had been percolating in my mind for a while now, I decided to seize the day!

<-------My plan. :D

So, after approximately 5 hours of hot'n'not-so-heavy work, Snogopogo was done, all coloured up and everything... :D Good times, yup yup.

Unfortunately, the colour only stayed on Snogopogo for about three hours... It was so warm out that as soon as the colour got sprayed on, it'd just soak in and run in accordance with dear ol' gravity... And although it doesn't look all that big, it was actually about five and a half feet.
Gosh, I'm probably known as the crazy Uni student who plays in the snowbank. *sigh*
Ah well. It's fun!

"The creative person wants to be a know -it -all. He wants to know about all kinds of things: ancient history, nineteenth-century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, flower arranging, and hog futures. Because he never knows when these ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later or six months, or six years down the road. But he has faith that it will happen."[Carl Ally]

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Mother trucker... This reheheheheaally hurts.
Probably cause I can only have one painkiller every 6 hours. And, as it HAS to be taken with foodm waking up in the middle of the night is rather bothersome.

Ohkies, so here's the story. Went in at 7am to the Grey Nun's, dear place that it is, and waited for an hour-ish. Just after the morning prayer (it's interesting how...familiar? and maybe even comforting that prayer was, as I heard one every morning at the old high school), got taken down to the pre-op room, waited, stressing, in that ultra-slick snowflake covered hospital gown. Doc came in, anesthesiologist talked, long and short of it was I ended up terrified in the operating room about ten minutes later.
And yup, the nurses could tell I was terrified. So they gave me something real nice and calming. Haha.

And then they put me to sleep "this is just oxygen, it'll help you breathe...".
Liars. I was out like a light. But it's kinda cool having your body fall asleep a split second before your mind does.

But waking up in the recovery room realizing you had a breathing tube shoved down your throat isn't exactly a walk in the park.
Or waking up in a tres fashionable sling. It'll be the newest fashion, I swear it!
Or getting painkillers shot into your arse.
Or having to sponge bathe for 5 days cause you can't get your dressing wet.

*sigh* Such is the price I pay for a new shoulder. ;)
S'all good though. 42 days of sling-age left. And some pretty cool scars. :)

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body."
[Thomas Gibbs?]
Ok. I'm an idiot. I thought that the pills I was taking were painkillers AND anti-inflams. Turns out they were only anti-inflams. I survived 24hours without painkillers after surgery. I KNEW there was something not right about the "painkillers".
I really am an idiot. *sigh*

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So, surgery tomorrow. Don't know the exact time yet, as I've gotta call the surgeon's office at 11 to find that out.

Won't be at school til probably Tuesday or Wednesday.

Not looking forward to this.

"It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black."
Charlie Brown]

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Le Miracle

Ok, so Doc worked pretty darn quickly. Went in on Tuesday, met the guy, got checked out for maybe a halfie, and then he says "So, how about March 16th for surgery?".

My jaw dropped. So did my stomach. A heck of a lot further than my jaw though.
Barely managed the "can I think about it?". Of course I was going to take it, I just to ABSORB this new, exciting and terrifying information.


Ok, so I have a week and a day with which to use two arms. Oh joy. Then a sling for six weeks, then probably about six months of rehab. Trying to make it back for rugby next year, but not really sure of the likelihood as of yet. We'll see.

Kinda cool surgery, they're going in with a scope, so I'll have three little dime shaped scars... Uhm.. Yup, that's pretty much all I want to get into with that right now.

And hey? This is a GOOD THING. I really, really can't deal with people saying "oh wow... That sucks". I KNOW it sucks, believe me, you don't have to belabour that point.

Cheerfulness, sir, is the principle ingredient in the composition of health.
Arthur Murphy]

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Producers

Ok. So I may have gone alone to the Jub to watch this show, but trust me, it was SO WORTH IT.

Roger De Bris: This crazy Kraut is crackers! He crashed in here and crassly tried to kill us! Carmen Ghia: Oh, Roger, what alliteration!
Roger De Bris: Thank you, darling.

What with the antics of Carmen (dear, dear skinny-black-panted-boy that acted him), Ulla (the Swedish receptionist/actress) and the gun-toting, fascist worshipping Franz, I actually couldn't stop laughing.

Leo Bloom: I'm very sorry I caught you feeling up the old lady.
Max Bialystock: "Feeling up the old lady." Thank you Mr. Tact.

Especially when the song "Keep it Gay" started.

Carmen Ghia: If your intention was to shoot an arrow through my heart... Bull's-eye!

Hahaha. Great fun. I love Broadway.
If you ever wanted to be really random/get back into my good books, get me the musical version of the DVD. Seriously, I loved it enough that I might even consider getting the DVD, even though I'm sure it won't measure up to the Broadway version.

"I do Broadway because I refuse to succumb to the stereotypical things that Hollywood does to a performer." [Jamie Farr]

Rascal Flatts

I know I should technically be studying, but I desperately needed a break.
So, Rascal Flatts it is!

And WOW. Just wow. Loved it. Every little thing ('cept for when "What Hurts The Most" just haaaaaad to be played. That's definitely not a song I enjoy listening to. Baaaah) was grand.

Hmmm. Don't really know what to say... Kinda a "had to be there" type of dealio, I guess. Which sucks, 'cause I wish I could describe it better...

When "My Wish" came on, Gary LeVox pulled this little girl up from the crowd, walked her around stage while singing. Way to tug at the ol' heartstring, buddy-o.

They even outfitted the kid with earplugs.
Honestly, rather touching.

The base player was hilarious. Can't remember his name offhand though.


And oh wow... The glowsticks they gave to so many people looked really, really cool when all the lights went out. When people started throwing them (hahaha, woud've sucked to be on the floor, dodging neon lights) after the show was over, it looked like...well, lots of flying glowsticks.
Think Space Mountain, but more variations on the colour scheme. :P

"Applause that comes thundering with such force you might think the audience merely suffers the music as an excuse for its ovations."
[Greil Marcus 1945-, American Rock Journalist]

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Alrighty, this entire week has been GRAND (excluding the past two days, as they've just been stress, buuuuuut, hey, I'll deal)!

Tons of stuff to cover, as it's been a very busy past couple of days. There was the Rush game, The Producers, Rascal Flatts, and signing my little life away to Rogers for another three years...

However, I want to do full justice to the Producers and Rascal Flatts (for now, I'll just say that they were AMAZING, and the abuse of the caps lock key is indeed needed for this case), so, I'll talk about those... Probably tonight? Who knows. Whenever I scrape up the time, I guess. Have to drive the lil'un into Edson today, so she can go skiing on Thursday and Friday, so we'll see, I guess.

So, we have the Rush and Rogers (Ooooh, alliteration! How lovely).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Rush game was great; actually really like watching lacrosse. Perfect combination of viciousness and skill rolled into a sport. Kinda wish I'd started playing that way back when, as I think it'd be way more fun than soccer... Plus, full contact? I mean, come on! No contest!

Ran into Brownie there, and his girlfriend... Awwww. I don't think he would've taken it well if I'd actually flicked his ear to get his attention though...

And, the company made it all the better. Even if watching my face go flaaaaaming red is considered hilarious to TSS.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ok, so Rogers. Something that I just decided to do, because my phone's pretty much dying on me. Sooo, I signed (yet another) contract with the thief of many a student's savings. Ah well. I'm on a pretty good plan, so I'm pretty darn excited to get the phone. Plus, it's worldwide working, SO, I can use it on the travels that I will be on (The ten natural wonders of the world, anyone?) sometime in the not-so-distant future.

Which is terribly exciting, you have to admit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Safeway; I don't know when I'll be down to the windy city. Plans for reading week definitely didn't work out, but I would still really like to get down there sometime soon. I'll for SURE be there sometime in the summer, as we'll be playing the Trolls during the season... You're still sticking around there for spring/summer session, yes?

And yes, Rascal Flatts was just... Wowza.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Also, when the snow gets nice and snowball-y, the snow ogopogo will be born... Heh.
Which is also exciting.
"So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be."

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shoulder junk...

Shoulder injuries... Great fun, and the highlight of my rugby career!

My right shoulder is basically gone, and the left has left ages and ages and AGES ago. Probably at the point where it locked above my head, and my team thought I'd fainted.
But really, I'd just dropped to my knees, and that jolt popped it back it.
*POP*! Trust me, worst sound ever, also the most DISGUSTING FEELING possible. When something in your body physically shifts position, and you can feel every itty-bitty movement, it's not exactly what one would call a "walk in the park". More like a "jaunt over hot coals", or "Torture 101".

Luckily, that's only happened what... Six times for my left arm? And maybe once for the right.

(Although, come to think of it, the palatial crunch of your nose breaking may definitely compete with the sound of a dislocation.)

I've been living with my left shoulder being injured for about one and three-quarters of a year now; long enough, wouldn't you say? The right one's slightly less than that, at a year and a half. However, in my opinion, anything that lasts for this long should have been dealt with a long time ago.
So, imagine the absolute rapture running across my face when I picked up the phone this morning, asthe voice on the other end told me that "[I] have an appointment booked on March 6th, 2007, at 08:30, with Dr. so-and-so (I haven't figured out a nickname for him as of yet)". Now that is something that I'll be happy to wake up for. Even if I've got a midterm later that day. And it's a good two hours before I need to even be awake.

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not our circumstances."
Martha Washington]

Monday, February 19, 2007

The BEST Weekend Ever!

Hah. T-5 sleeps until the wonderful, amazing, fantastic event that will be Saturday, February 24, 2007.

At 14:00, I'll be at the Producers. And as soon as that ends, I'll be running to the LRT, where I'll be shipped off to RASCAL FLATTS (18:30 or so)! It's going to be absolutely amazing; seriously, I've been incredibly excited for this for... well, going on a month now.
Pretty much adore C for getting the tickets. What a wonderful person. When I actually meet her, I'll be professing my undying gratitude for well, probably an hour and a half. Perhaps grovelling at her feet'll get the point across?

This'll be a definite change from the last three concerts I've been to, as I'll finally be able to pay attention to the concert, and not have to watch the crowd for possible board jumpers, cameras, or other such nonsense... Although Evanescence, Snoop Diggity Dawg and Billy Talent were fun to work, this'll just be ever so much better...

As well, on Friday, that-special-someone (TSS) and I are possibly going to the Rush game.

It's been two months, and time's just flown by. Having a ton of fun with absolutely everything in that regard.

School's school. I'll be happy when it's summer break, although right now I'm in the middle of reading week, so that's a very positive thing.

Yay for physio tomorrow! Going in to get my feet checked out, as I've got tendonitis in the left, and something seriously screwed up in the right on... It'll be interesting to finally figure out what it is though, and get on the road to recovery.
Still haven't heard anything from the surgeon regarding the good ol' shoulder (the left one, the right one's just... weird. Tendonitis there as well, and an injury that, according to the sports medicine practitioner that I saw last Wednesday, hasn't healed in two years)... So, hopefully that'll come through soon, and I can get this dealt with!

"The question isn't 'who is going to let me'; it's 'who is going to stop me.'"
["The Foutainhead," by Ayn Rand]

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” [Seneca]

Got sick of the old account, soooo, here'd be (another) of my little spots on the world wide web.