Monday, March 05, 2007

Rascal Flatts

I know I should technically be studying, but I desperately needed a break.
So, Rascal Flatts it is!

And WOW. Just wow. Loved it. Every little thing ('cept for when "What Hurts The Most" just haaaaaad to be played. That's definitely not a song I enjoy listening to. Baaaah) was grand.

Hmmm. Don't really know what to say... Kinda a "had to be there" type of dealio, I guess. Which sucks, 'cause I wish I could describe it better...

When "My Wish" came on, Gary LeVox pulled this little girl up from the crowd, walked her around stage while singing. Way to tug at the ol' heartstring, buddy-o.

They even outfitted the kid with earplugs.
Honestly, rather touching.

The base player was hilarious. Can't remember his name offhand though.


And oh wow... The glowsticks they gave to so many people looked really, really cool when all the lights went out. When people started throwing them (hahaha, woud've sucked to be on the floor, dodging neon lights) after the show was over, it looked like...well, lots of flying glowsticks.
Think Space Mountain, but more variations on the colour scheme. :P

"Applause that comes thundering with such force you might think the audience merely suffers the music as an excuse for its ovations."
[Greil Marcus 1945-, American Rock Journalist]

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