Saturday, March 17, 2007


Mother trucker... This reheheheheaally hurts.
Probably cause I can only have one painkiller every 6 hours. And, as it HAS to be taken with foodm waking up in the middle of the night is rather bothersome.

Ohkies, so here's the story. Went in at 7am to the Grey Nun's, dear place that it is, and waited for an hour-ish. Just after the morning prayer (it's interesting how...familiar? and maybe even comforting that prayer was, as I heard one every morning at the old high school), got taken down to the pre-op room, waited, stressing, in that ultra-slick snowflake covered hospital gown. Doc came in, anesthesiologist talked, long and short of it was I ended up terrified in the operating room about ten minutes later.
And yup, the nurses could tell I was terrified. So they gave me something real nice and calming. Haha.

And then they put me to sleep "this is just oxygen, it'll help you breathe...".
Liars. I was out like a light. But it's kinda cool having your body fall asleep a split second before your mind does.

But waking up in the recovery room realizing you had a breathing tube shoved down your throat isn't exactly a walk in the park.
Or waking up in a tres fashionable sling. It'll be the newest fashion, I swear it!
Or getting painkillers shot into your arse.
Or having to sponge bathe for 5 days cause you can't get your dressing wet.

*sigh* Such is the price I pay for a new shoulder. ;)
S'all good though. 42 days of sling-age left. And some pretty cool scars. :)

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body."
[Thomas Gibbs?]
Ok. I'm an idiot. I thought that the pills I was taking were painkillers AND anti-inflams. Turns out they were only anti-inflams. I survived 24hours without painkillers after surgery. I KNEW there was something not right about the "painkillers".
I really am an idiot. *sigh*

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