Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Alrighty, this entire week has been GRAND (excluding the past two days, as they've just been stress, buuuuuut, hey, I'll deal)!

Tons of stuff to cover, as it's been a very busy past couple of days. There was the Rush game, The Producers, Rascal Flatts, and signing my little life away to Rogers for another three years...

However, I want to do full justice to the Producers and Rascal Flatts (for now, I'll just say that they were AMAZING, and the abuse of the caps lock key is indeed needed for this case), so, I'll talk about those... Probably tonight? Who knows. Whenever I scrape up the time, I guess. Have to drive the lil'un into Edson today, so she can go skiing on Thursday and Friday, so we'll see, I guess.

So, we have the Rush and Rogers (Ooooh, alliteration! How lovely).

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The Rush game was great; actually really like watching lacrosse. Perfect combination of viciousness and skill rolled into a sport. Kinda wish I'd started playing that way back when, as I think it'd be way more fun than soccer... Plus, full contact? I mean, come on! No contest!

Ran into Brownie there, and his girlfriend... Awwww. I don't think he would've taken it well if I'd actually flicked his ear to get his attention though...

And, the company made it all the better. Even if watching my face go flaaaaaming red is considered hilarious to TSS.

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Ok, so Rogers. Something that I just decided to do, because my phone's pretty much dying on me. Sooo, I signed (yet another) contract with the thief of many a student's savings. Ah well. I'm on a pretty good plan, so I'm pretty darn excited to get the phone. Plus, it's worldwide working, SO, I can use it on the travels that I will be on (The ten natural wonders of the world, anyone?) sometime in the not-so-distant future.

Which is terribly exciting, you have to admit.

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Dear Safeway; I don't know when I'll be down to the windy city. Plans for reading week definitely didn't work out, but I would still really like to get down there sometime soon. I'll for SURE be there sometime in the summer, as we'll be playing the Trolls during the season... You're still sticking around there for spring/summer session, yes?

And yes, Rascal Flatts was just... Wowza.

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Also, when the snow gets nice and snowball-y, the snow ogopogo will be born... Heh.
Which is also exciting.
"So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be."

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