Monday, February 19, 2007

The BEST Weekend Ever!

Hah. T-5 sleeps until the wonderful, amazing, fantastic event that will be Saturday, February 24, 2007.

At 14:00, I'll be at the Producers. And as soon as that ends, I'll be running to the LRT, where I'll be shipped off to RASCAL FLATTS (18:30 or so)! It's going to be absolutely amazing; seriously, I've been incredibly excited for this for... well, going on a month now.
Pretty much adore C for getting the tickets. What a wonderful person. When I actually meet her, I'll be professing my undying gratitude for well, probably an hour and a half. Perhaps grovelling at her feet'll get the point across?

This'll be a definite change from the last three concerts I've been to, as I'll finally be able to pay attention to the concert, and not have to watch the crowd for possible board jumpers, cameras, or other such nonsense... Although Evanescence, Snoop Diggity Dawg and Billy Talent were fun to work, this'll just be ever so much better...

As well, on Friday, that-special-someone (TSS) and I are possibly going to the Rush game.

It's been two months, and time's just flown by. Having a ton of fun with absolutely everything in that regard.

School's school. I'll be happy when it's summer break, although right now I'm in the middle of reading week, so that's a very positive thing.

Yay for physio tomorrow! Going in to get my feet checked out, as I've got tendonitis in the left, and something seriously screwed up in the right on... It'll be interesting to finally figure out what it is though, and get on the road to recovery.
Still haven't heard anything from the surgeon regarding the good ol' shoulder (the left one, the right one's just... weird. Tendonitis there as well, and an injury that, according to the sports medicine practitioner that I saw last Wednesday, hasn't healed in two years)... So, hopefully that'll come through soon, and I can get this dealt with!

"The question isn't 'who is going to let me'; it's 'who is going to stop me.'"
["The Foutainhead," by Ayn Rand]

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