Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shoulder junk...

Shoulder injuries... Great fun, and the highlight of my rugby career!

My right shoulder is basically gone, and the left has left ages and ages and AGES ago. Probably at the point where it locked above my head, and my team thought I'd fainted.
But really, I'd just dropped to my knees, and that jolt popped it back it.
*POP*! Trust me, worst sound ever, also the most DISGUSTING FEELING possible. When something in your body physically shifts position, and you can feel every itty-bitty movement, it's not exactly what one would call a "walk in the park". More like a "jaunt over hot coals", or "Torture 101".

Luckily, that's only happened what... Six times for my left arm? And maybe once for the right.

(Although, come to think of it, the palatial crunch of your nose breaking may definitely compete with the sound of a dislocation.)

I've been living with my left shoulder being injured for about one and three-quarters of a year now; long enough, wouldn't you say? The right one's slightly less than that, at a year and a half. However, in my opinion, anything that lasts for this long should have been dealt with a long time ago.
So, imagine the absolute rapture running across my face when I picked up the phone this morning, asthe voice on the other end told me that "[I] have an appointment booked on March 6th, 2007, at 08:30, with Dr. so-and-so (I haven't figured out a nickname for him as of yet)". Now that is something that I'll be happy to wake up for. Even if I've got a midterm later that day. And it's a good two hours before I need to even be awake.

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not our circumstances."
Martha Washington]


JoyO said...

Jill, I like the violin quote, a lot! When are you coming to the windy city?!

JoyO said...

And, I'm jealous you went to Rascal Flatts, just for the record.